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Good Luck Jewelry Guide

Everyone can use a bit of luck in their life.  One way to help ensure that tomorrow will be luckier than today is to sport a good luck charm of your own.  At Eve's Addiction you can find unique and stylish jewelry pieces that showcase the luck of certain charms.  From charms to necklaces, good luck symbol jewelry here adds a touch of sophisticated style to any wardrobe, while offering its wearer a sense of calm and protection. But which one?  To answer that question you are going to have to learn a bit more about the history of the most common good luck charms found around the world:

Sterling Silver Sideways Wishbone Necklace

Sterling Silver Sideways Wishbone Necklace

Sterling Silver Lucky Horseshoe Necklace

Sterling Silver Lucky Horseshoe Necklace

Double the Luck Cz Sterling Silver Horseshoe Pendant

Double the Luck Cz Sterling Silver Horseshoe Pendant

The Horseshoe

One of the most popular and revered of all good luck charms in the modern world, the power of the horseshoe is unmatched. The story of this good luck symbol dates back centuries to Northern Europe. Folklore has it that during the Stone Age there were evil goblins that caused great misfortune. People placed horseshoes above their door to keep the goblins away.

While hanging a horseshoe in your home is still considered to be lucky, many believe that wearing one can offer even more protection against evil. Traditionally, a horseshoe pointing upwards is said to be a symbol of good luck. If the points are found downward, the person's luck is said to have "run out."

Sterling Silver Lucky 4 Leaf Clover Pendant

Sterling Silver Lucky 4 Leaf Clover Pendant

Lucky Clover CZ Claddagh Pendant

Lucky Clover CZ Claddagh Pendant


Everyone knows that a four leaf clover is lucky, but do you know why? Some people believe they are lucky because they are so rare – there are 10,000 three leaf clovers for every 1 four leaf clover found in nature. A more biblical explanation is, as some say, that Eve carried one out of the Garden of Eden, giving the plant a mystical power of some sort.  Either way, people revere the clover, wearing them in all sorts of jewelry pieces, such as necklaces, rings and bracelets.

The Elephant

The Elephant is considered to be a symbol of good luck, strength, power, and wisdom for different cultures around the world. One of the most well-known elephant symbols is Ganesh, a Hindu god with an elephant head.

The tradition of good luck has crossed religious lines in recent years, seeping into the general populace, and making elephants a popular charm to wear on a bracelet or necklace. But beware: only elephants with their trunks up in the air are lucky ones!

The Lucky Number 7

There are many numbers that people consider lucky, but seven seems to top them all.  The number is found repeatedly in the Christian Bible, and the Chinese too think that seven brings good luck to relationships. One look at nature and you can see the connection.  There are 7 planets; seven colors in the rainbow and seven days in the week, giving people reason to believe it holds some sort of lucky charm powers.

Lucky jewelry is made to enhance your outfit and your sense of style, now it can also offer a hedge of protection to those who wear these multiple symbols.  Give yourself a boost of luck with some of the beautiful Eve's Addiction Lucky Necklaces and Rings, the number one place to find the most unique jewelry around.